This post is to inform you that everything is going to go digital. We do not want you to get left behind. DMV is going to soon be accepting deals digitally and will have an immediate response with services. It is important that you get set up with a Dealer Management System that ties everything together for you. We have recently partnered with Get My Auto and negotiated a deal for our OVDA members. Special pricing and packages have been curated just for you. Get My Auto will be directly tied to DMV making your submissions extremely easy and the response undeniably quick. Systems like this “typically cost around $1,500 a month. OURS…… DOES NOT! Dealers went from mailing in paperwork, and deals getting lost or not submitted in time, to walking into field offices to have the paperwork processed in hopes it would be a quick turnaround, Then COVID…. Field offices closed, Dealers lost business, and working with DMV became a nightmare. Everyone knows how hard it has been for all of us. OVDA has been working tirelessly to bring a solution to all these problems. We have a heavy hand with DMV, three ODAC committee seats, and a full-time lobbyist who really cares about the well-being of the auto industry “Our Industry”. Why not be a supporter? Memberships and Donations go directly to supporting this cause. Sure, we do not hold fancy award ceremonies that cost a ton to run. We have a director whose efforts are worth Hundreds of thousands of dollars, but He works for free. We have a staff with over a century of experience in this industry. People, who truly understand the day-to-day operations of it all. Ovda works to bring you solutions. There is strength in numbers, we cannot do this without you! We ask for your support. Reach out to us to figure out how you can help. You matter, Your MEMBERSHIP matters.