OVDA Call to Action: A Consumer Group Is Targeting YOU

In their own words, “… many consumers in Oregon… are targeted by predatory and unfair auto sales
practices”. This is how a nine-page memo from Oregon Consumer Justice (see ojc.org) to State Rep. Nathan
Sosa begins. What follows is a litany of “solutions” to “problems” they have identified.
You can read the entire memo here.

And you can join OVDA here.
We need your membership NOW!
We need your voice NOW!

We need your help right now to prepare an industry-wide defense to this nonsense.
Our industry needs to stand together, united, against these one-sided attacks that won’t solve any problem.
OVDA is leading the charge to stop this half-baked scheme which won’t protect consumers but will hurt
reputable car dealers like you with new heavy-handed regulations and outright prohibitions (the bad dealers are
already ignoring the law, so we know they won’t follow any new laws).
The clear result of their plan: fewer people who need vehicles will qualify to buy one.
And many people will be forced to travel out-of-state to buy a vehicle.
Just imagine their arrogance: As their memo states: “This spring, Oregon Consumer Justice convened an auto
purchasing cohort with community organizations to explore the issues and possible solutions to the challenges
consumers face when purchasing cars”.
Behind closed doors and without any input from reputable car dealers, OJC identified the “problems” and the
“solutions” – having absolutely no experience as car dealers. It is literally throwing darts with a blindfold, then
advertising yourself as an expert.
OVDA is fighting back. Our lobbyist, Darrell Fuller, has been a trusted voice representing auto dealers since 1996.

He is well known in the Capitol and at DMV, and he is trusted as a subject-matter expert.
He will have our back – do you have his back?
With you support – with your membership – TODAY — we can ensure Darrell has the tools he needs to stop
these radical proposed solutions to misidentified problems.
You can join OVDA here.
And we need your input. How will these “solutions” impact YOUR dealership – YOUR small business? Read
the memo and email your thoughts to OVDA@ordealers.com. We’ll compile your comments and concerns.
Thank you.

    OVDA – Oregon Vehicle Dealer Association