**Email 2025.dieselstrategy@deq.oregon.gov today**

Oregon bureaucrats have declared war on the working class, and they are opening up a second front.

As you might know, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is following California’s lead to essentially ban diesel-fueled semi-trucks, RVs, tow trucks, and heavy-duty pickups in Oregon.

But you can do something about it.

The DEQ is now accepting public comment on their “Diesel Strategy.” What does that mean? That means they are AGAIN looking for ways to put their screws to workers who rely on diesel equipment to make a living and working against blue-collar businesses that move the economy.

Please, take 2 minutes to email DEQ before TOMORROW (Friday, Dec. 20th) telling them to stop this madness. They need to hear from YOU that you don’t support their extreme agenda that puts their electric vehicle ideology ahead of common sense and the ability to make a living.
***Email 2025.dieselstrategy@deq.oregon.gov right now.***

Here are some ideas on what to put in your email – and I suggest including a personal story about how these regulations have or will impact you or your business:

– More regulations will only hurt working-class Oregonians who rely on diesel equipment to make a living
– The cost/lack of technology available to support EV equipment that serves your needs
– The lack of charging infrastructure to support EVs in your industry
– You don’t agree with unelected bureaucrats making choices for you
– If the market wanted EV’s, the mandates wouldn’t be necessary
– It’s ridiculous and unattainable to mandate equipment that isn’t currently being manufactured
– The power grid certainly can’t take the increased load of increased EV’s at the level they are requiring
-The Advanced Clean Truck rules will put Oregon companies out of business as Oregonians will purchase diesel equipment in states like Idaho and Nevada
-Not allowing sales of the newest and most efficient diesel engines keeps older diesel engines in operation – which is the opposite of their stated goals
– Add any personal story about how these regulations have or will impact you or your business

It’s time for the DEQ to understand the impacts of their pie-in-the-sky thinking. Let’s flood DEQ’s inbox!

Darrell W. Fuller