Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery that occurs in every state, including Oregon. Since its inception in 2007, the Human Trafficking Hotline has identified 1,037 cases of human trafficking in Oregon, with 1,920 victims identified in these cases. Knowing that human trafficking is happening and learning to recognize what it looks like are the first steps in bringing it to an end. Our trained staff and partners know the signs and are here to help. We are proud to work with our partners to raise awareness of human trafficking and provide people with resources to educate and work towards stopping this dreadful crime. We work with the Department of Homeland Security, Oregon Trucking Association, Truckers Against Trafficking, and more to raise awareness and celebrate the efforts of governments, international organizations, anti-trafficking entities, law enforcement officials, survivor advocates, communities of faith, businesses and private citizens all around the world to raise awareness about human trafficking. Visit us online to find out more about human trafficking and to access resources and information on how you can Step Up and help us fight this crime. Visit CCD OnlineContact CCDTrucking Online LoginMotor Carrier News Online |